My writerly friends do tend to ask what work I have out there, and if I'm submitting (hence my usual boilerplate to report on such matters).
Because of my switch to full-time work, I've had less time to manage the boilerplate, but here are the most recent stats, compiled between Oct 1 2015 and today, August 6 2015. During this time:
- I've submitted 64 separate pieces (poems, essays, short stories, flash work)
- 5 have been accepted and published:
"Spinster" (short story) -- Midnight Circus: In the Age of Wonders anthology, March 2016
"Ouroboros" (flash fiction) -- Wordgathering, March 2016
"Uhthoff's Phenomenon" (poem) -- Barking Sycamores, January 2016
"Enough" (flash nonfiction) -- Halfway Down the Stairs, June 2016
"Immortality" (prose poem reprint) -- HIV Here & Now website, November 2015 - 52 have been rejected
- 3 were withdrawn
- 4 are still pending (with stats from Duotrope):
1 flash fiction (174 days out, 67 days overdue for reply
1 flash nonfiction (282 days out, 102 days overdue for reply)
1 prose poem reprint (282 days out)
1 short story (295 days out, 115 days overdue for reply)